Section 2

Promoting a safe environment
In order to promote a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults, the parish council will:
  • Provide safe facilities and do regular safety assessments.
  • Ensure that employees, councillors and leaders of activities in/on parish facilities are aware of the safeguarding expectations.
  • Ensure that the policy for users of parish facilities includes a requirement that they are safe to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults (e.g. any adults who have regular unsupervised contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults during the course of their duties should undergo appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. 
  • Ensure that attendees at functions, e.g. fireworks evening, are aware that parents are responsible for their children’s safety, and the location of a dedicated safe place for lost children is clear.
  • Display on notice boards the relevant safeguarding contacts for advice and help.
Use of facilities by groups for use with children, young people or vulnerable adults (e.g. clubs/organisations regularly using the recreation grounds) parish council will require the leaders to:
  •  Have public liability insurance
  • Have a suitable “safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults” policy, and/or agree to work to the parish council’s policy and relevant guidance.
  • Ensure leaders make their members aware of the parish council policy and ensure that it is followed while using parish facilities.
  • Ensure leaders have valid enhanced DBS checks as appropriate and know where the first aid box is.
  • Do risk assessments for individual activities.